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UESD HOPE 3rd Road Show Opens

The University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) HOPE 2024 RoadShow has  opened on the theme: Entrepreneurship for a Better World: The HOPE Agenda. The RoadShow which is the 3 rd to be held, was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson, and attended by members of the University Community at the Auditorium, Multipurpose Building.

The HOPE Roadshow aims to instill the core values of Honesty, Opportunity, Perseverance, and Enterprising (HOPE) among staff and students through seminars. The first of three sessions began with the level 100 students, who were introduced to the concept by the Vice-Chancellor.

Prof. Nyarko-Sampson outlined management expectations and the ideals and aspirations of the RoadShow. He urged students to embody the essence of HOPE in all facets of their lives, emphasising its importance in administrative responsibilities, seizing opportunities, and persevering as faculty and staff at the University.

On Honesty, Prof. Nyarko-Sampson urged the students to always be truthful, regardless of the situation. He emphasized that being watched shouldn’t come before being truthful in their interactions. This is the rationale behind asking them to recite the UESD Honor Code at their matriculation. As students, they ought to abstain from all forms of dishonesty. They should be responsible and truthful with themselves when it comes to attending classes, meeting deadlines, taking examinations, and engaging in all other academic activities.

The Vice-Chancellor indicated that it is critical to seize Opportunities in every circumstance. He gave the founding of the University as an illustration, using the example of the mangoes from the farms that encircle the university. He added that by observing and identifying the opportunities present in that environment, or those that have been created, more opportunities can be achieved. He stated that the leftover mangoes after harvest might be turned into compost, which would bring in money for the university. This is making use of the resources that UESD has available. They ought to implement this strategy in their academic careers. He advised the students to make the
most of every opportunity for their welfare, apply their expertise to address issues as they arise and come up with solutions among themselves.

He stated that Perseverance is the quality of persisting in the face of difficulties or setbacks, a concept students should live by. They should be mindful that both their parents and the community have high expectations of them. Therefore, students should endure and maintain focus in challenging times, exploring different approaches to achieving their goals. Professor Nyarko-Sampson encouraged students to persevere in their academic pursuits and stressed that HOPE should guide them. He noted that throughout history, successful individuals persevered through
setbacks and failures rather than giving up after initial attempts.

Prof. Nyarko-Sampson added, “The Enterprising spirit should be nurtured in them right from the
beginning of their studies at UESD,”; referring to the “E”; in HOPE.