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UESD Foundation Executives of CIAMC Sworn In

A seven-member executive team of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) branch of the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants (CIAMC), Ghana, has been inaugurated at a ceremony in the Auditorium, Multi-Purpose Building of the University. The team includes Mr. Sampson Amponsah. Atiako, Assistant Registrar (AR), Office of Deputy Registrar, as President, and Ms. Justina Ane, AR, Admissions and Records Office, as Secretary. The event was witnessed by members of the University community, including the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson, the Registrar, Mrs. Mary Abena Agyepong (who joined online) and some heads of units, divisions and departments.

The inauguration coincided with the quarterly Mandatory Continuing Professional Education (MCPE) session and the branch launch of the Somanya chapter, which will host and train administrators and professionals from organizations within Somanya and its environs.

The Chief Executive Officer of CIAMC, Mr. Samuel Mawusi Asafo, who inaugurated the executives, stated that just as other professions have their bodies to which members of those professions belong, it is the vision of CIAMC that all administrators and managers of institutions will be upgraded into professionals through the programmes offered. He emphasised that in any business space where CIAMC members find themselves, the difference will be significant and easily identifiable.


Mr. Asafo explained that upon finishing the two modules of the training, students are awarded Chartered Professional Administrator or Chartered Management Consultant certificates, which are renewable annually upon attending mandatory continuing professional education.

In his acceptance speech, the President of the Executives, Mr. Amponsah Atiako, expressed gratitude to members for the confidence reposed in him and his team and promised to give their best for the well-being of the institute. He also requested support from the members and the Institute to enable them to serve creditably.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof.  Nyarko-Sampson, encouraged the administrative staff of the University to endeavour to enrol in the programme to always show professionalism in every aspect of their work life. As a fellow of CIAMC, Prof. Nyarko-Sampson revealed the boundless opportunities that have come his way upon acquiring the CIAMC certification. He said, as a professional administrator or management consultant, one can authoritatively contribute to and significantly support organization management and policy preparation.

The other members of the Executives are: Mr. Samuel Obeng-Osei, Vice-President: Webmaster, Ms. Rita Adwoa Boateng: Assistant Secretary, Mr. Patrice Dzontoh; CPD Coordinator, Ms. Elsie Hayfron, and Treasurer, Ms. Juliet Yeboah Asante.

The programme was later followed by the quarterly Mandatory Continuing Professional Education conference for members of the Institute on the topic: “Building Strategic Working Relationships,” facilitated by Prof. George Amoako, a professor in the Marketing Department and Director at the Directorate of Research Innovation and Consultancy of the Ghana Communications Technology University, Accra.