The University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD), has initiated a Book Donation Campaign to solicit contributions and book donations from the public to augment the university’s Library in its academic and research endeavours.
At the launch of the Campaign on the 27th of January 2024 during the 4th Commencement Lecture, a member of the Book Donation Campaign Committee, Dr. Tracy Keith Flemming stated that the UESD library has been a cornerstone of academic excellence on campus since it started operations about four years ago.
However, its current state of collection is not as robust as envisioned. Therefore, Management is embarking on this initiative to enhance the library through the Book Donation Campaign.

He stressed that books help students learn more deeply and comprehensively by providing them with a better understanding of the things covered in the curriculum. Access to literature also promotes a culture of lifelong learning, which keeps students informed and involved in their fields of study.
Dr. Flemming indicated that the campaign offers the communities a chance to support the expansion and improvement of the UESD library.
Adding that, “We’ve tirelessly sought ways to augment our collection, acknowledging the crucial role books play in supporting academic endeavours,” the statement continues. Management is now turning to the public for support to take our library to new heights.’
Contact person: Professor Anthony Amoah:, Chairman of Book Donation Campaign Committee.