Contact:+233 (0) 200955020 | +233 (0) 20 320 1141

Our Services

Key Accountabilities

Direct the University’s overall materials flow operations, including:

  • Procuring, material planning and inventory management etc.
  • Selection of vendors, rating of vendors, development of vendors and distribution of goods etc.
  • Evaluate past performance data to forecast needs and scheduling orders.
  • Facilitate procurement of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems.
  • Develop strategic plans to improve productivity, quality, and efficiency of operations.
  • Work effectively across the University to ensure successful flow of materials across all units of the University to meet the needs of the Institution.
  • Coordinate the preparation of procurement plans for the various units into one procurement plan for the University in line with Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) (Amended) Act 2016, (Act 914).
  • Build a strong supplier-base for procurement in the categories of international competitive tendering, national competitive tendering, price quotation etc., and ensure that same shall be accessible to staff.
  • Ensure the disposal of the University’s assets in compliance with the Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) (Amended) Act 2016, (Act 914) and the University’s internal policies.

The Procurement Unit in pursuing its activities is mindful of value for money, time consciousness, fairness, competitiveness and objective decision making. 

Contact Us

Tel: 0200955020
