Ms. Cynthia Oduro Ameyaa is the Assistant Registrar in-charge of the Research, Innovation and consultancy Unit at UESD. Her main responsibility is to facilitate the establishment of robust and vibrant Research Office at UESD. She has oversight responsibility for all Pre‐Award, Award and Post‐Award functions. She also leads her team in the development and drafting of policies and frameworks for the Research Unit.
Prior to her current appointment, she was a Research Development Officer and served as the Pre-Award Point Person for College of Basic and Applied Sciences in the Pre and Post Award Services Team at the Office of Research, Innovation and Development (ORID) at the University of Ghana. Her responsibilities included assisting with proposal development/Grant submissions, prospecting, facilitating letters of Support/Letters of Intent/Head of Term etc. She was also the Pre‐Award Focal Point Person for the Korle-Bu and ISSER Satellite Offices.
Ms. Ameyaa served as the Coordinator for the Noguchi Satellite office and then the Schedule Officer for International Mobility and Partnership Programmes at ORID, UG. She supported the development and submission of proposals which has received funding from donors such as PATH, EDCTP, MRC, among others.
She holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Ghana Business School and has attended several Research Management trainings and Capacity building programmes that have equipped her with the required expertise to support our researchers.
She is the GAUA; UESD Local Secretary and the Africa Member Coordinator for the International Association of People and Performance Development (IAPPD).
She can be reached at