Contact:+233 (0) 200955020 | +233 (0) 20 320 1141

Main Academic Activities

a. Fresh students’ orientation

 All fresh students are taken through orientations. International students are to report first to the Office of International Education in the main Administration block, Somanya for both international students orientation and main fresh students (all fresh students) orientation during the first week of every first semester. The venue for the main orientation programme is the Main Auditorium Hall from 9:00am – 12:00pm every day of the week of orientation. International students’ orientation may run concurrently or a new date will be set and announced later. Orientation is compulsory for all students.

b. Continuing students’ and Fresh students’ registration

Information regarding students’ identity, biodata and course information is captured during registration. Both continuing and fresh students are required to register their courses for each semester at their Department Office, not later than 3 weeks after reopening.  Students who do not register for their courses at the beginning of the semester will not be able to write their Mid-Semester or End-of-Semester examinations.

The following items would be required for fresh students’ registration:

  • Copy of admission letter
  • Proof of payment of fees or wire transfer details (Bank pay in slips, receipts, transfer or remittance details)
  • One passport-sized photograph
  • Students’ Identity Card if it has already been issued. (Mandatory for continuing students).

c. Matriculation

Matriculation for fresh students is held at the beginning of Level 100.   All international students are required to be present and sign the matriculation book in order to be considered as Junior Members of the University.  


The IPO handles all international student exchange programmes. Kindly make all your inquiries and registration regarding exchange programmes with the IPO through our email: