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Launch of UESD-DSER Energy Series and Club

The Department of Sustainable Energy and Resources of the School of Sustainable Development (SSD) at the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD), in partnership with 350 Ghana, an NGO focused on energy, has launched its first Energy Series publication and Energy Club. The theme was, “Knowledge, Energy Efficiency, and Sustainable Development.”

The event brought together stakeholders, partners, and students interested in energy and sustainability issues. Notable among the attendees were; the Paramount Chief of Yilo Krobo traditional area, Nene Oklepeme Nuer Anorbah Sasraku II; the Parish Priest of Somanya Catholic Church, Rev. Fr. Kennedy Agyepong; the Deputy Director of Power from the Ministry of Energy, Ing. Stephen Owusu; and the Chief Executive of the Volta River Authority (VRA), Mr. Emmanuel Antwi-Darkwa. The Vice-Chancellor of UESD, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson, chaired the event.

The Energy Series and Club is the brainchild of three UESD senior lecturers: the Dean of SSD, Professor Anthony Amoah; the Head of the Department of Sustainable Development and Policy, Dr. Michael Tuffour; and the Head of the Department of Sustainable Energy and Resources Dr. Sam-Quarcoo Dotse.

The Energy Series was created to raise awareness about energy conservation and sustainability. It will cover a broad spectrum of energy, sustainability, and development topics. The series will feature research papers, articles, reports, case studies, and reviews contributed by experts and researchers from various fields. The first publication of the Energy Series aims to share the concepts, goals, and objectives, covering both renewable and non-renewable energy options available to our country.

In his opening remarks, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nyarko-Sampson, reflected on the University’s progress since its commencement four years ago, emphasising its dedication to fulfilling its mandate of environment and sustainable development. He noted that the new initiative is part of the University’s ongoing efforts to engage with the community and promote sustainable energy practices. The Vice-Chancellor also expressed gratitude for the collaboration with key partners, including the VRA, 350 Ghana, and other supporting organisations, underscoring the importance of such partnerships in achieving the University’s goals.

The guest speaker, the Chief Executive Officer of the VRA, Mr. Emmanuel Antwi-Darkwa, delivered a speech titled, “The Contribution of Hydropower to the Ghanaian Economy.” He highlighted the role of hydropower in Ghana’s economic development, tracing its origins back to Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah.

According to Mr. Antwi-Darkwa, hydropower provided a low-cost energy source that significantly contributed to foreign exchange and supported industrial growth. However, as demand increased in the 1990s, hydroelectric power’s limitations became apparent, leading to the exploration of other energy sources. He noted that despite the challenges, hydroelectric power remains crucial in supporting Ghana’s ongoing energy transition.

The keynote address was delivered by the Deputy Director of Power from the Ministry of Energy, Ing. Stephen Owusu, who praised UESD’s Energy Series for aligning with Ghana’s national energy policy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7, which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy. He outlined Ghana’s current energy mix, which includes hydroelectric, thermal, and renewable sources like solar and biomass.

Ing. Owusu emphasised the need for increased public awareness and education on sustainable energy practices and expressed hope that UESD’s Energy Series would become a leading platform for promoting sustainable energy solutions, influencing policy-making and corporate practices, and fostering a culture of sustainability and innovation in energy.

There was a panel discussion on the role of universities in advancing renewable energy solutions. The discussion featured two senior lecturers from UESD, Dr. Michael Appiah Karikari and Dr. Kwame Adjei Mantey, along with Mrs. Portia Adu Mensah from 350 Ghana. They discussed the critical contributions that academic institutions like UESD can make in promoting sustainable energy practices through research, education, and community engagement.

The highlight of the event was the unveiling of the first edition of the Energy Series by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof.Nyarko-Sampson, along with the Yilo Krobo Paramount Chief, Nene Oklepeme Anorba Sasraku II, the Deputy Power Director from the Ministry of Energy, Ing. Stephen Owusu, invited agencies, and guests. The Energy Club was also inaugurated, with 350 Ghana serving as its patron. It is expected to be produced quarterly.

The event concluded with a fundraising session to support the publication and distribution of copies of the Energy Series and the Energy Club. The Department of Energy Sustainability and Resources received cash donations from the Yilo Krobo Paramount Chief, the Yilo Krobo Member of Parliament (MP), the UESD chapter of the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), guests, and agencies. There were also goodwill messages from the Yilo Krobo Paramount Chief and 350 Ghana, a dance performance by Yilo Krobo SHS, and a play and poetry recital by UESD’s UCF Drama Club.

Also in attendance were representatives from the Petroleum Authority, Energy Commission, Volta River Authority (VRA), Ghana Water Company (GWC), students from Yilo Krobo SHS, Akuse Methodist SHS, and the UESD community.