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  1. Administrative Use

    This policy describes the Email procedure to be used by UESD as a means of communication both internally and externally. In an effort to increase the efficient distribution of critical information to all faculty, staff and students, and the University’s administrators, it is recommended to utilize the

    university’s e-mail services, for formal University communication and for academic & other official purposes. E-mail for formal communications will facilitate the delivery of messages and documents to campus and extended communities or to distinct user groups and individuals. Formal University communications are official notices from the University to faculty, staff and students. It is a policy of UESD that all academic staff and students must observe the electronic mail policy to ensure the proper use of the University’s electronic communication infrastructure system.

    2. Purpose

    UESD email services support the educational and administrative activities of the University and serve as an enhanced means of official communication by and between users and UESD. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that this critical service remains available and reliable, and is used for purposes appropriate to the University’s mission. Also, to make users aware of what UESD deems as acceptable and unacceptable use of its email system.

    3.     Scope

    This Policy covers the use of all email addresses issued by the IT Directorate to all staff and students. These communications may include administrative content, such as human resources information, policy messages, general University messages, official announcements, etc.

    4.     Responsibility and Authority

    It is the responsibility of the department heads (executive authority) to execute and monitor the effectiveness of this policy, and to administer corrective action when it is deemed necessary or warranted. It is the responsibility of the Systems Administrator to verify the practices and procedures necessary to execute this policy.

    5.     Policy

    • Email Addresses and Accounts Creation – Faculty, Staff and Students

    At the joining of an employee, HRD initiates the request and ask the IT directorate to create official Email for new employee as well as to delete the same when this employee leaves UESD (Exit Clearance). The IT directorate then notifies HR by email once the new account is created. For obtaining the university’s email account, newly created user may contact the IT Directorate for email account details and default password. Email services are available for faculty and staff to conduct and communicate University business. Email services are provided only while a user is employed by the University and once a user’s electronic services are terminated, employees may no longer access the contents of their mailboxes, nor should they export their mailbox to a personal account before departure. Faculty and staff email users are advised that electronic data (and communications using

    the University network for transmission or storage) may be reviewed and/or accessed by authorized University officials for purposes related to University business. UESD has the authority to access and inspect the contents of any equipment, files or email on its electronic systems. Email services are available for students to support learning and for communication by and between the University and themselves. The services are provided only while a student is enrolled in the University and once a student’s electronic services are terminated, students may no longer access the contents of their mailboxes. Student email users are advised that electronic data (and communications using the University network for transmission or storage) may be reviewed and/or accessed in accordance with UESD Acceptable Use Policy. UESD has the authority to access and inspect the contents of any equipment, files or email on its electronic systems. DITSO has separate domain names for staff and students. These are and for junior members and graduate students respectively. The UESD standard E-mail Account Format is as follows:

    Full Name: Joseph Kofi Armah Boah


    Hence undergraduate and graduate students would have emails as follows:

    1. for junior members
    2. for graduate students

    With this format, the initials of all names preceding the Surname/Last name are used.

    5.2  Email Account Deletion

    Accounts will be disabled on the termination date specified by Human Resource by initiating a request. When it is anticipated that University business-related email may continue to be sent, the HRD may request a temporary, thirty-day auto-reply on a former employee’s email account to instruct senders where to direct such business.

    5.3. Acceptable Use under University Policies

    Email users have a responsibility to learn about and comply with UESD policies on acceptable uses of electronic services. Violation of UESD policies may result in disciplinary action dependent upon the nature of the violation. Examples of prohibited uses of email include:

    • Intentional and unauthorized access to other people’s email;
    • Sending “spam”, chain letters, or any other type of unauthorized widespread distribution of unsolicited mail;
    • Use of email for commercial activities or personal gain (except as specifically authorized by University policy and in accord with University procedures);
    • Use of email for partisan political or lobbying activities;
    • Sending of messages that constitute violations of UESD’s Code of Conduct.
    • Creation and use of a false or alias email address in order to impersonate another or send fraudulent communications;
    • Use of email to transmit materials in a manner which violates copyright laws.
    • Using the facility for illegal/commercial purposes is a direct violation of the university’s IT

    policy and may entail withdrawal of the facility.

    • Unlicensed and illegal copying or distribution of software, sending of unsolicited bulk e-mail messages.
    • Generation of threatening, harassing, abusive, obscene or fraudulent messages/images.
    • sending large attachments to others, user should make sure that the recipient has email facility that allows him to receive such large attachments.
    • Open any mail or attachment that is from unknown and suspicious source. Even if it is from known source, and if it contains any attachment that is of suspicious nature or looks dubious, user should get confirmation from the sender about its authenticity before opening it.
    • Impersonating email account of others will be taken as a serious offence under the university IT security policy.
    • Keeping the mail box used space above 80% usage threshold. The indication of a ‘mail box

    full’ or ‘mailbox almost full’ situation will result in bouncing of the mails, especially when the

    incoming mail contains large attachments. This is very much essential from the point of

    security of the user’s computer, as such messages may contain viruses that have potential to

    damage the valuable information on your computer.

    • User sharing his/her email account with others, as the individual account holder is personally held accountable, in case of any misuse of that email account.
    • Intercepting, or trying to break into others email accounts, as it is infringing the privacy of other users.
    • When using computers that are shared by other users, any email account that was accidentally left open by another user, should be promptly closed without peeping into its contents, by the user who has occupied that computer for its use.

    5.4. Security and Privacy of Email

    UESD tries to provide secure, private and reliable email services by following sound information technology practices. All email users, therefore, should exercise extreme caution in using UESD email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters.

    5.5 Best Practices and General Directives on Use of UESD provided e-Mail System:

    Electronic mail or “e-mail” systems are important alternative means of communication. In certain business functions, e-mail is preferred more than other conventional methods of communications. When using the UESD e-mail system the following general considerations apply:

    • Minimize Messages – For UESD provided e-mail accounts, employees should minimize the number of messages in their e-mail in-box to ensure efficient function of the e-mail system.
    • Maintenance of Messages – Junk messages should be deleted regularly.
    • Folders should be set up and messages filed accordingly.
    • Archiving and storing – Employees should utilize the archiving facility within the e-mail system in accordance with allowed storage capacity.
    • Accounts and passwords – A register of e-mail accounts and passwords updated regularly shall be maintained by ICT department.
    • Password and account expiration – It is mandatory to change e-mail passwords every 90 days or as necessary. UESD policy requires the use of strong passwords for the protection of

    email. A strong password must contain digits or punctuation characters as well as letters (ALPHANUMERIC). In addition, your email password should be different from your UESD network password.

    • Password security – Users should safeguard their electronic identity. Sharing of password, for example, is prohibited.
    • Forwarding Email: Staff email users on an extended absence should create an Out Of Office message, which should include the contact information for another staff member who can respond while the user is away from the office.
    • Compromised Accounts:- An email account that has been compromised, whether through password-cracking, social engineering or any other means, must be promptly reported and remedied with the appropriate means. The appropriate means will include a password reset, review of account settings, computer scans and malware disinfection to prevent possible leakage of PII, spamming, potentially infecting others and degradations of network service.
    • Email Signature

    It is good email practice to make clear who the email is coming from and to include contact details in any signature so that people can get in contact with you or your section easily. This is true if you are sending an email from your own email account or emailing from the section or departmental email account. Providing details in the email signature is important to the recipient, so that they can have easy reference to all senders’ contact details.

    UESD email signature should have the following standards:

    • E-mail signatures should not be longer than 10 lines. Go wider rather than longer, and use pipes (|) to separate components. Use two spaces between content and pipes.
    • Do not use images or logos within the e-mail signature.
    • Refraining from the use of quotes or epigraphs is best practice for professional communications.
    • Use a simple 12-point standard font (preferred) or your e-mail client’s default font.
    • Standard E-mail Signature Format:


    Title Department/Section UESD

    Office and Personal Contacts

    6.1  Email disclaimer

    The UESD, the sender, or both can be made liable for the content of an email. A disclaimer has to be made available and should be used to protect the University and those sending emails on its behalf.

    The UESD, should use an email disclaimer to help fend off potential claims and to inform recipients of UESD’s position in relation to the information being emailed. It is mandatory for all UESD employees to add a reference to the stated legal disclaimer at the bottom of their email signature.

    UESD email disclaimer should have the following standards:

    • The disclaimer statement should be as specific as possible, since this will add to the weight of the statement.
    • The disclaimer should warn that the content of the e-mail is confidential.
    • The disclaimer should indicate that the message is only intended for the addressee, and that if anyone receives the e-mail by mistake they are bound to confidentiality

    The following disclaimer will be added to each outgoing e-mail:

    ‘This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify your system manager. Please note that views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the UESD. Finally, the recipient should check this e-mail and any attachments for the presence of viruses. UESD accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail.’

    6.2  Email Auto Responder Standards

    When out of the office and unreachable by email, all UESD employees should set up an out-of- office message to inform those seeking to contact them that they will not be in a position to respond since the employer has limited access to the email. The email auto responder must contain:

    • The dates you will be out of the office and unreachable
    • Any alternate forms of contacting you, if applicable.
    • The date you will be back in the office or answering emails again
    • Information regarding an alternate contact in your office for matters requiring immediate attention

    6.3   Email Etiquette

    • Addressing: Email should be sent to the people who are required to either take further action or need to know the information that is being sent. The “To” field should be used only for those people who are required to take further action. The “Cc” field should be used for those people who only need to know the information but are not required to undertake further action.
    • The “Reply All” button should only be used when everyone in the email need to know the response.
    • Subject Line:Make sure the subject line is clear and is an accurate representation of what the email is about.When conducting a conversation by email, change the subject to reflect the content of the response done.Use flags to indicate whether the message is of “High Importance” or “Low Importance”
    • Structure, Grammar and Tone of the Message:Use plain English.Be polite.Use paragraphs to avoid large blocks of text.Avoid using “text speak” e.g. l8r instead of later.Avoid using emoticons.Avoid using abbreviations unless everyone being sent the message understands this or if the abbreviation has been explained in a previous message or in the message you are about to send.Check the spelling and grammar before you send the email.

    6.4   Email content

    • Always fill in the subject line with a topic that means something to the reader.
    • The main point of should be captured in the opening sentence of the email.
    • The email sender must always specify what he/she is writing about.
    • Be brief and polite. If your message runs longer than two or three short paragraphs, consider:
      • Reducing the message
      • Providing an attachment
    • Reply promptly to serious messages. If it requires that the recipient has to take more than 24 hours to collect information or make a decision, it is important to acknowledge receipt and a communication for delay.