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Church of Latter-Day Saints Familiarises with UESD

A two-member delegation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Ghana, has called on the Management of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development (UESD) to familiarise itself with the activities of the University. The team, led by the Area Humanitarian Specialist of the Church Mr. Isaac Mensah and accompanied by a senior member of the church, Mr. Stephen Amakye, was welcomed by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson, along with the Registrar, Mrs. Mary Abena Agyepong, the Director of Finance, Mr. Baffuor Awuah Kwabi, and other senior administrative members. A meeting was held in the Council Chamber to discuss issues of mutual interest to both institutions.

Mr. Isaac Mensah, Area Humanitarian Specialist of the Church (LDS)

Mr. Mensah stated that the Church of Latter-day Saints believes in humanitarianism and always considers it a privilege to provide any form of social intervention. He continued that, for the church to be able to assist, it needs to ascertain the importance of the donation to the target group and the overall impact it would have on them both in the short and long term. He explained that, it is considered the best way to ensure that scarce resources are judiciously allocated, he explained. Mr. Mensah revealed the Church’s plan to donate some computers to the University for its proposed laboratory.

Prof. Eric Nyarko-Sampson, Vice-Chancellor (UESD)

Prof. Nyarko-Sampson briefed the team on the activities of the University since it started operations four years ago. He touched on areas such as infrastructure, equipment, finance, human resources, transport, and security. He noted that donating computers to the university by the church will go a long way to address the challenge of inadequate computers. He also called on the church to consider supporting other areas.

The Registrar presented a copy of the UESD Five-Year Strategic Plan to Mr. Mensah. He was later taken on a tour of the campus.

Mrs. Mary Abena Agyepong, Registrar (Left)