Contact:+233 (0) 200955020 | +233 (0) 20 320 1141


The use of natural resources for the production of goods and services continues to increase globally, despite the warnings from the Earth Summit Conference in 1992. The United Nations Environment Programme (2021) has reported that the rate of extraction of natural resources is outpacing population and economic growth, implying their inefficient use. If current trends continue, global extraction of raw materials will increase by 110% by 2060. As a consequence, the current unsustainable patterns of consumption and production are responsible for three current global crises: climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. These three crises threaten the well-being and prosperity of all people by threatening the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the materials and resources on which our societies, economies and nations depend; as well as our livelihoods, families and communities.  This threat is also unevenly distributed around the world, reinforcing global inequalities and threatening the entire 2030 Agenda (World Bank Report, 2021; UNEP, 2021). As part of the systemic process to surmount these triple global crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and waste, government, policy makers, practitioners, and customers must move toward sustainable patterns of consumption and production.

The United Nations’ declaration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and subsequent ratification of the Paris Climate Accord have upscaled, and renewed commitments towards changes in patterns of consumption and production. The SDG 12 calls for a comprehensive set of actions from businesses, policy-makers, researchers and consumers to adapt to sustainable practices. It envisions sustainable production and consumption based on advanced technological capacity, resource efficiency and reduced global waste. The United Nations explains that “sustainable consumption and production is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all. Its implementation helps to achieve overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty” (UNEP, 2021).

In view of this, , the conference’s aim to exploring evidence-based policy options through research is an imperative for transformation of our economies and societies and work towards the Goal 12

Papers can be submitted by interested researchers and practitioners for oral and poster presentations under the following thematic areas:

  • Circular economy and healthy food systems;
  • Clean, affordable and sustainable energy;
  • Healthy and clean environment;
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration;
  • Consumption behaviour and Socio-Economic Development; and
  • Gender, Production and Consumption

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of abstracts — 9th June, 2023

Notification of decision on abstracts — 14th July, 2023

Submission of full papers for conference proceedings — 14th August, 2023

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Please submit your abstract of 250 words and a maximum of 5 keywords to the email address: Abstracts shall be subjected to peer-review, and only those that pass the peer-review process will be invited to present (Oral or Poster) at the conference. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 9th June, 2023, at 23:59hrs GMT.


Conference Proceedings will be published in a Springer Edited Book Submitted for indexing to ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and SpringerLink.

Conference Fee

  • Delegate – Gh ¢ 1000
  • Student Delegate – Gh ¢ 300
  • Accompanying Person – Gh ¢ 500 (non-presenters)
  • International delegate – $150
  • Online Delegate ( International participants) – $50


Registration during the conference will be accepted with 5% of the applied fee

Important things to Note:

  • Accommodation is not included in the conference fee. Information on preferential rates provided by local hotels will be advertised on the conference website in due course.
  • Registration per participant covers attendance to all programme sessions, conference materials, tea and coffee breaks, lunch, conference dinner.

Conference Venue

University of Environment and Sustainable Development (Auditorium, Multipurpose Building, Somanya, Eastern Region, Ghana)


Fun Trip

The Amedzofe canopy walk and hiking trail is within the Volta Region, not far from the Ho municipality. On this trail you will experience the Ote waterfall and the wonderful panoramic view from the top of the Amedzofe mountain.

Entry fee: Ghc 30.00

  • Foreigners $7.00 (Ghc 75.00)
  • Transportation: 150ghc eqv.$14.00
  • Food and Drinks: At affordable prices at the resort.

 If you would like to experience adventure, kindly sign up by clicking on the link below to register.

          Bring along comfortable footwear(sneakers), track suit/sports wear, or anything comfortable; umbrella or a raincoat (in case it rains)

… ready to have an experience with nature’s wonders…

    kindly sign up for this adventure by clicking on the link.

    Note: Please come along with appropriate Hiking gear. Please contact Rita OR Cynthia on +233241450519, +233208307692